If you are told that we should give Pres. O credit for this phoenix routine, you might just seek a second opinion. Or, just read on. If you stop twisting my arm, I will explain.
For the first half of his term, Pres. O was given virtually everything he requested. This included nearly a TRILLION DOLLARS of someone else’s money, to spend any way he chose. It was called STIMULUS money and was guaranteed to revitalize our economy and secure his place on Mt. Rushmore. Sadly, it did neither.
Fast forward. Now, after being left alone for about a year, our economy is beginning to breathe on its own and take nourishment the normal way. Miracle of miracles, when the government stopped force-feeding nourishment (cash) into every known orifice, our capitalist economy started to do what capitalism is supposed to do: make a profit, create jobs, make more profit, create more jobs…
Why did this miracle visit us now? Very simple, or a John Kerry might say, Tres Simple. I will use small words and write slowly. Capitalism is recovering, not because of any action taken by Pres. O, but rather because Pres. O and his accomplices (the Pelosi Congress, Public Employee Unions, ACORN, et al.) have backed off. Did you notice that there have been no major strikes, no significant “Sue the Bastards” activity from our Sue the Capitalist Bastards Liberties Union, A spinal transplant at the House of Representatives (compliments of the U.S. voters) no Cap and Trade, Card Check or other programs like the ones that killed Spain, Ireland and Greece.
In other words, stark reality stalled the Pres. O plan to fundamentally transform the way we do business. In default, we fell back on basic capitalism.
So, in answer to our opening question, Typhoid Mary did not invent penicillin, but rather, the threat she posed stimulated others to take whatever action was necessary and doable to stall her economic plan, oops, I mean to stall her type of epidemic. We suggest that the unfettered growth of the new Axis of Evil and the miraculous rise of Pres. O have brought us close enough to the brink that all but the most compassionate among us are willing, as a last resort, to consider a course correction.
Now, if Pres. O or some member of his crack economic staff read this, they will realize that there is a gem lurking herein: If Obama can control himself and leave the economy alone, he will be re-elected in a landslide. A simple right turn onto Capitalism Avenue.
As noted supra, Pres. O and his accomplices will try to take credit for the modest recovery. If you are still shopping around and kicking a few tires before you decide whether the current economic activity is the result of inevitable capitalism or the result of Pres. O’s maiden voyage on the sea of grown-up economy, do yourself a favor and look back at the promises and predictions this administration made when they requested the TRILLION DOLLAR pull-toy. If you find any original promises/predictions which actually came to pass, or any recent promise/prediction which could explain the uptick that tickles us so much, please let me know. I will pass it on.
"If Obama can control himself and leave the economy alone, he will be re-elected in a landslide. A simple right turn onto Capitalism Avenue."
ReplyDeletePersonally, I think it's asking too much of Obama. He was raised a Muslim, indocrinated by Communists, befriended by known terrorists, and is a disciple of the Chicago Way. It would be like a leopard changing his spots.